The driver must present himself with the following documents: 

  1. Driver's Card with more than 1 year of validity; 
  2. Personal Identification Document; 
  3. Personal Credit Card; 

Note that if the car is not picked up within 1 hour after the contracted time, the reservation may be canceled. 

The Terms and Conditions must be read and taken into account when booking (in the Terms and Conditions tab on our website) and when picking up the vehicle (on the back of the rental agreement). 


  1. Clients should always arrive 30 min. to 1 hour before the scheduled hour of drop off;
  2. In case of damage in the vehicle, the clients should always arrive 2 hours to 2 hours and 30 min. before the scheduled time of drop off;



Note: The business hours for Transfers from the Airport and Rent a Car are between 08:00H and 23:00H every day. Therefore, all transfers outside these hours are considered Out of Hours Transfers with an extra cost of €25.


During the collection of the vehicle and before the delivery of the same, the customer must verify that all the MANDATORY DOCUMENTS are in his possession. If this does not happen and there is a loss of them, the customer is subject to the payment of an extra that can vary between €60 and €100. 

The mandatory documents are: 

  1. Rental Contract;
  2. Single Vehicle Document (DUA) or Declaration of Characteristics – (60 days) new vehicle; 
  3. Insurance Certificate ;
  4. Periodic Inspection Form;
  5. Friendly Declaration of Auto Accident. 


ATTENTION: It is mandatory to report ALL accidents, damages, thefts to authorities (PSP or GNR) and to ANC Azores Holidays, at the exact moment that it happens, regardless of the insurance contracted (Basic, Medium or Premium). 

If there are any injuries, call 112 immediately. 

Accident Against Identified Third Parties: 

  1. Always contact the authorities (Public Security Police or GNR);
  2. Always contact ANC Azores Holidays and inform what happened;
  3. Duly complete the Accident Friendly Declaration.It must contain all your information duly filled in, as well as all the information of the other driver involved duly filled in. The signature of the drivers involved is essential. Before sending the declaration to ANC Azores Holidays, check that the back of the Friendly Declaration is also filled in with as much data as possible. Also, do not forget to provide as detailed a description as possible in POINT 3 of the Declaration; In case of doubt when filling in the declaration, contact us through our Driver Helpline +351 967 309 909;
  4. After all due diligence, inform ANC Azores of the police post where the participation was presented and the entry registration number or send a copy of the participation to the company; 
  5. Present yourself at the place of delivery and collection of the vehicle (ANC Energia Serra Gorda) so that the damage to the vehicle can be analyzed. 
  6. Send to ANC Azores Holidays the Friendly Accident Declaration duly completed and signed or deliver the original to the ANC Azores Holidays employee and proceed according to steps 2 and 3 described in the friendly declaration manual. 
  7. After this procedure, ANC Azores Holidays starts budgeting the damages, which will then be presented to customers according to the insurance option chosen by them. 

ANC Azores Holidays is responsible for: 

  • Book the vehicle's expert opinion;
  • Control the repair time and quality; 
  • Activate the replacement vehicle (if hired);
  • Inform the customer when the vehicle is repaired.

Damages by Unidentified Third Parties: 

  1. Always contact the authorities (Public Security Police or GNR);
  2. Submit a complaint to the competent authorities against uncertain persons, in case the perpetrators of the crime are not known;
  3. Inform ANC Azores Holidays of the event, indicating the police station where the participation was presented and the entry registration number or send a copy of the participation to the company;
  4. Present yourself at the place of delivery and collection of the vehicle (ANC Energia Serra Gorda) so that the damage to the vehicle can be analyzed.
  5. Promote all the steps within their power to discover the vehicle that caused the damage;  

Acts of Theft or Vandalism against the vehicle: 

  1. Always contact the authorities (Public Security Police or GNR);
  2. Submit a complaint to the competent authorities against uncertain persons, in case the perpetrators of the crime are not known;
  3. Report the occurrence to the ANC, indicating the police station where the report was presented and the entry registration number, or send a copy of the report to the ANC;
  4. Present yourself at the place of delivery and collection of the vehicle (ANC Energia Serra Gorda) so that the damage to the vehicle can be analyzed.
  5. Promote all the steps within their power to discover the vehicle that caused the damage;

These mandatory procedures do not relieve customers of their responsibilities with ANC Azores Holidays.  

REPLACEMENT VEHICLE: The replacement vehicle is only available upon contracting the service. It belongs to a group similar to the one already contracted and is available for the remainder of the contract.  

IN CASE OF FINES: ANC Azores Holidays receives all official letters from the competent authorities to proceed with the identification of each driver. All drivers are responsible for the infractions they commit. 

FUEL POLICY:  ANC Rent a Car Delivery (Pick-Up) and Vehicle Collection (Drop-Off) station is located in a service area where you can refuel your vehicle. It is also equipped with a Jetwash service where you can wash and vacuum your car if necessary, since in case of extreme dirt an extra 20€ will be charged before the damage is verified when your rental car is delivered (Drop-Off).

Thank you for renting with Azores Holidays!

The company André Nobrega Coelho Moto Rent Lda is a registered company incorporated in Portugal with a registered capital of 50,000 €, Headquarters at Rua dos Santos nº30 9500-706 in Ponta Delgada – Azores with identification number of corporate entity 512109036 enrolled in the conservatoire of the Social register of Ponta Delgada.

According to the present terms and conditions of rental (‘T&Cs’), Azores Holidays is obliged to fulfil the following duties:

Renting a “vehicle” (light passenger car or motorcycle) to you (the person indicated in the Rental Agreement – as defined below – and who signs it) for the period of time (not exceeding 30 days or, in cases 90 days) specified in the rental agreement (the “rental period”), plus any accessories you wish to rent, which must also be specified in the rental agreement.

Provide certain integrated mobility services in all our rentals and offer you other services that are available at extra cost.

The contractual relationship established between you and Azores Holidays is governed by the following documents:

The “rental agreement” and its specific clauses (the document signed by you at the time of the check-out or on the first day of the rental;

The booking confirmation email (if you have previously booked your rental online);

The present T&Cs which apply to any of said documents.

In case of contradiction between any of the documents referred to above, the terms of the first mentioned document shall prevail.


How do the terms and conditions apply to your rental?

The T&Cs apply to you, the person paying the rental and any associated costs (and you may also be the driver), as well as to any other driver that are expressly indicated in the Rental Agreement and, as such, is authorized to drive the vehicle.

All persons indicated in the rental agreement are jointly and severally liable for the payment of which ever amount owed at the time.


Who can rent and who can drive?

  1. a) Who can rent?

Anyone who:

– Is legally able to sign a contract with Azores Holidays and is prepared to assume responsibility for the vehicle during the rental period.

– Has the means accepted by Azores Holidays (as per table below) to pay for the rental of the vehicle and any associated costs;

Payment Methods accepted:

Bank transfer

Credit / Debit Card


– Has valid identification documents, as indicated in the table below.

Documents required

Driving license

✓ Required;

* Required for citizens from outside the EU;


  1. b) Who can drive? (“the driver”)

An authorized vehicle driver is any natural person who meets all of the following requirements:

– Is expressly and completely identified in the rental agreement or any document attached to it (which may also be the lessee);

– Hold a valid driving license and identification document (national identification or passport);

– Hold a valid driving license for a period of time that varies according to the category of the vehicle and the applicable law in the country of the rental and, or the age of the Driver:

Category of vehicle
Group A
Group AA
Group B
Group BB
Group C
Group D
Group E
19 or 25


  1. c) Who can´t drive?

Any person that is not specifically mentioned in the rental agreement is not authorized to drive the vehicle.

Likewise, any person who does not carry valid identification documents mentioned in sections 2a) and 2b).

If you allow an unauthorized person to drive the vehicle, you will be in breach of the T&Cs and you will be liable for any consequences, including the possibility to respond to Azores Holidays for damage caused by yourself or the unauthorized person. In these circumstances, neither you nor the unauthorized driver will be covered by any insurance offered through Azores Holidays, except for the compulsory insurance of civil liability.


Where can you drive the vehicle?

You can drive the vehicle in São Miguel Island (here and after referred to as “the Territory”) and on the other islands of the archipelago (as long as you have written consent from Azores Holidays). Please note that driving outside of São Miguel Island will have additional charges.

Take note that you must comply with the traffic rules and other road regulations of the country where you are driving the vehicle.


What type of vehicle can be rented and for what purpose?

You may rent a passenger or a motorcycle and drive them according to their own purpose, in the following terms:

– Passenger cars and motorcycles are intended to carry a variable number of persons (depending on what is approved in the Single Automobile Document).

You are hereby informed that Azores Holidays does not cover the goods transported in the vehicles and can´t be held responsible for any goods or objects that You may have forgotten within the Vehicle. Similarly, Azores Holidays is not liable for any loss of profits or operating losses incurred during the rental period.


What are my obligations to the vehicle?

When someone rents a vehicle at Azores Holidays, you and/or any driver should accomplish the following obligations:

– You must return the vehicle and its keys, accessories and documents to Azores Holidays at the return station indicated in the rental agreement, at the time and on the date of the rental term indicated in the rental agreement (Azores Holidays allows 29 minutes of grace period) and in the state in which Azores Holidays delivered it to you at the beginning of the rental period. If You do not return the vehicle on such terms, Azores Holidays may take the measures provided for in clause 11 of these T&C (“What procedures to take when returning the Vehicle”).

– You and/or any driver can´t drive the vehicle out of the territory. If you and/or any driver intend drive out of the territory you must obtain prior written consent from Azores Holidays and in such case, together with the Azores Holidays representative and prior to lifting the Vehicle, ensure that the Azores Holidays has the appropriate equipment in accordance with the local rules of the country that You are/Or any driver will drive or cross.

– You and/or any driver should drive in reasonable conditions, according with road code, traffic laws and regulations applied and should ensure that are informed with rules of traffic and driving.

– You must ensure that any baggage or carried materials on the Vehicle are safe to the extent that they do not cause damage to the Vehicle or risk to any occupant of the Vehicle.

– You and/or any driver should take care of the vehicle with vigilance of a good father and, any case, secure that the same is locked and protect with Anti-theft devices when staying parked or without vigilance.

– You and/or any driver should never drive while under the influence of alcohol, hallucinogenic drugs, narcotics, barbiturates, other illegal drugs, or any substance (legal or illegal) that may affect or impair your ability to drive and / or any Driver.

– You and/or any driver must resupply the vehicle with the appropriate fuel type. If the vehicle is stocked with the wrong fuel, you will be responsible for any costs incurred in moving the Vehicle and / or repairing the damage caused by it, calculated in accordance with the rules described below (see damage to vehicle), except if it is shown that the error was attributable to third party.

– You and/or any driver may not use the vehicle or allow it to be used for:

  • Sublease, mortgages, pledges, sales or any kind of guarantee, either in relation to the vehicle as a whole or any of its components, as well as to the rental agreement, the keys, documents, tools, or any of its accessories;
  • Carrying passengers for hire or reward, unless expressly authorized by Azores Holidays (for car sharing purposes, for example);
  • Transporting excess occupants, in addition to those authorized by the Single Automobile Document;
  • Carry merchandise with weight, in quantity and / or volume that exceeds what is authorized by law and by the Single Automobile Document;
  • Carriage of flammable, or dangerous, toxic, harmful and/or radioactive products or products that are unlawful, (provided that such exclusion does not prevent it from fulfilling its lawful daily necessities and whose transport corresponds to the normal use of the Vehicle);
  • Sporting events, off-road, reliable tests, speed tests, to take part in rallies, contests, or trials, regardless of location, official or otherwise;
  • Transport of live animals (except domestic animals or pets, with express written authorization of Azores Holidays);
  • Give driving lessons or “accompanied driving”;
  • To push or pull another vehicle or trailer (unless the vehicle you have rented is equipped with a tow coupling / coupling device and the gross towable weight which is duly recorded);
  • On gravel roads or on roads whose surface, size or condition involves a risk to the vehicle, such as beaches, unsuitable roads, forest paths, mountains, etc., or any unauthorized or paved roads, unless express written permission is given by the Azores Holidays;
  • To practice a wilful violation;
  • To be carried aboard any type of boat, ship, train, lorry or airplane, except with the express consent of Azores Holidays;
  • Within the bands not admitted to transit in ports, airports, and/or aerodromes and / or similar or similar places, not accessible to public transit, or in refineries and oil installations, without the expressed and written consent of Azores Holidays. In the event that Azores Holidays authorizes you in such terms, it will inform you of the civil liability insurance that is applicable to these cases and which varies according to the circumstances;

During the rental, you must take all the necessary protective measures to keep the Vehicle in the same conditions in which it was delivered to you. In particular, you and/or any driver shall regularly inspect the condition of the Vehicle for oil, water and tire pressure;

You may be liable to Azores Holidays for damages resulting from the breach of any of the above-mentioned obligations. Please note that failure to comply with any of the foregoing also implies the ineffectiveness and inapplicability of any limitations or exclusions of liability to which You are entitled under the optional insurance or other protection products.

Azores Holidays also reserves the right to demand the immediate return of the Vehicle.


What are the mobility services included in my rental?

The basic rental price includes the following mobility services:

Mobility Services

Technical Assistance to the vehicle (you may have costs depending on the problem);

Right to return the vehicle in the same city;

Vehicle Base Cleaning;

Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance;

Protection against and theft;

Unlimited mileage



Which are the other mobility services not included in my rent?

Azores Holidays offers you several additional mobility services in the following terms:

List of products / services

Baby seat/chair

Additional driver

Additional rental days

Insurance / other protections

Transfer Service – Hotels

Transfer Service – Airport

Out-of-hours Pickup and Delivery

Replenishment Cost

You can find the description of these products and service in attachments.


Top Box

Extra helmet


What is included in the price I pay?

The information you provide to Azores Holidays at the time of booking (such as the length of the rental, your age or the additional driver’s age) will impact the price you will pay.

Any change to such information may, as a result, change that price. The price of your rental will be that which is in force at the moment of the reservation or at the time that makes any subsequent change to the same.

The price that you will pay includes the following costs:

– The amount of the daily rental of the Vehicle for the contracted calendar days, calculated for periods of 24 hours (which includes the standard mobility services mentioned above);

– The value of any additional mobility services that You intend to hire;

– The applicable tax (TAXES);

– Other costs that are associated.

By contracting with Azores Holidays, you expressly authorize Azores Holidays to debit in the means of payment made available any unpaid amounts arising from your rental.


What other values/costs could I have to pay?

 – Security deposit: In addition to the rental price (which you paid at the time of pickup of the vehicle), Azores Holidays requires that you leave a guarantee. That will be reimbursed anyway if there are no incidents that make it impossible.

You can read more information about the security deposit in clause 19 (“Do I have to pay the Security Deposit before lifting the vehicle?”).

Azores Holidays may also charge you for services or costs that you must perform or incur as a result of incidents that may have occurred during the Rental Period and/or the manner in which You used the vehicle.

Such services and costs include, without limiting:

  • Surveys or returns;
  • Cost of lost or stolen keys;
  • “Damages” caused to the vehicle (any material damage or vandalism act) and/or “vehicle theft” (theft and/or attempted assault itself). Your responsibility can be limited, on terms and in conformities with the type of protection that you choose.

The following additional specific costs:

– Withdrawals or returns at stations located at the airport, if applicable;

– Withdrawals or returns in hotel or local accommodation;

– Extension of your rental.


What I should do when I pick up the vehicle?

When you pick up the vehicle close to Azores Holidays, it will be required to sign, besides the others, a section in the rental agreement that describes the condition of vehicle on that moment.

If you notice any apparent defect or damage that is not described in the rental agreement, you must ensure that it is mentioned in the document and that both you and the representative of Azores Holidays sign such a change. In the event that nothing is mentioned, the vehicle is deemed to have been delivered to you in the state referred to in the Rental agreement and any new damage verified by you and the Azores Holidays representative will be charged to you when the Vehicle is inspected for both at the time of their return.


What procedures do you take when returning the vehicle?

Return of the vehicle on operation of Azores Holidays

You must return the vehicle at the Azores Holidays station at the date and time indicated in the rental agreement. The rental period ends when you return the Vehicle to the Azores Holidays station and deliver the respective key and vehicle documents to an Azores Holidays representative. In the event of returning the vehicle before the date mentioned in the rental agreement, you will not be entitled to any refund.

When returning the vehicle to Azores Holidays you must inspect the vehicle with the Azores Holidays representative.

Azores Holidays will not be responsible for any goods or objects that may have been forgotten on the vehicle.


Return of the Vehicle at night time of Azores Holidays

The Azores Holidays recommends that the return of the vehicle be made during the hours of operation of the stations. However, to meet the specific needs of its customers, Azores Holidays offers, in certain stations, the additional service “out of hours”. In case of subscribing to this service “after hours”, you accept that the report that certifies the status of the vehicle is prepared by the representative of Azores Holidays without Your presence and after the keys have been delivered. In the stations that offer the service “out of hours”, the return procedure of the Vehicle described above (11a) has been adapted, so that they provide this service in the best possible conditions. In particular, you must state any incident and or damage that affects the condition of the Vehicle in the document that was given to you for the purpose at the time you lift the Vehicle.

This document must be left on the vehicle or returned, together with the keys, in the (“drop off box”), according on the systems available and the information you receive from Azores Holidays.

Please note that your rental agreement does not end when the keys are delivered: the vehicle will be parked at the place where you leave it until the opening time of the Azores Holidays station, which will proceed to inspect the vehicle and terminate its Contract of Rental. For this reason, Azores Holidays recommends that you park the vehicle in an area designated for this purpose and in such a way that the vehicle does not endanger others or disturbs the traffic, in accordance with the Road Code. You should also leave the vehicle documents in the glove compartment.

Taking into account that the vehicle will be inspected at a later stage of its delivery – during the opening hours of the station – Azores Holidays recommends that you take photographs of the vehicle as proof of the status of the vehicle at the time of parking and before delivery of the keys.

After the inspection has been made and in the absence of any damage, Azores Holidays will send you the vehicle return declaration.

The Azores Holidays wouldn´t be responsible for any assets or objects that may have been forgotten in the vehicle.


Return of the vehicle without your presence and during the opening hours of the Azores Holidays Stations.

In case that it is not possible and/or you refuse to inspect the vehicle together with the Azores Holidays representative, Azores Holidays is authorized to inspect the vehicle without your presence and to register your refusal to the contrary.

In this situation the same procedure referred to in 11 (b) applies.


Vehicle return delay

In case that the vehicle is not returned on the date mentioned in the rental agreement and if within 24 hours there is no information justifying the delay in the return, Azores Holidays reserves the right to:

– Consider that you illegally appropriated the vehicle and report it to the appropriate local authorities;

– Charge the rental amount for each day you stay with the vehicle beyond the date of the rental term, plus compensation equivalent to twice the amount payable, unless you prove that you no longer own the vehicle or that the failure to return it has in fact been attributed to it;

– Claim all damages and losses incurred, as well as fines or other penalties or penalties imposed on the Vehicle as a result of the proceedings instituted by the public authorities for the purpose of identifying the offender or to clarify other circumstances related to the non-compliance or with the criminal offense.

– Initiate the necessary legal proceedings to claim the immediate return of the Vehicle;

Note that in this case, the protections, optional insurances and additional services you have contracted will have no effect.


Vehicle damage

In the event of that the vehicle is not returned under the same conditions in which it was delivered, you will have to pay the amounts mentioned below.


  1. a) Identified damages at the time of the return of the vehicle and in his presence.

In the event of being identified: damage in the scope of the inspection carried out in Your presence and that of the representative of Azores Holidays upon the return of the vehicle and of which it became aware when it signed the Declaration of Return of the vehicle and the report of damage after rental, Azores Holidays will give you an assessment of the repair costs that may be charged to you.

Repair costs vary depending on the nature of the damage:

– “Little damages” (minor damages and non-substantial damage to the vehicle, without affecting its return to lessor and without affecting its mobility under the Road Code, such as and without limitation: small scratches or small impacts on the windscreen) Are charged according to the list of prices recommended by Azores Holidays, available at any Azores Holidays station and on our website at the following address: recommended prices for small damages, which include the cost of vehicle immobilization, together with administrative costs of management of damages;

–  Any other damages not included in the above list and/or other more serious damages (substantial damages that prevent the return of the vehicle and require its temporary immobilization for repair, such as and without limitation: damage to the bodywork), will be evaluated by an independent expert and billed according to the auditor’s report or the budgeted cost of an independent repairer;

– In case of a damage dispute and/or billing by refusing to sign the vehicle return declaration, Azores Holidays will apply the following procedure (12b);


  1. b) Identified damage in the event of an night time return and with or without his presence.

In the event that the damage is identified in connection with the inspection of the vehicle made by the representative of Azores Holidays without your presence, Azores Holidays will send you the following documents:

Declaration of return of the vehicle with description of the identified damages;

Photographs of damages;

An estimate (budget) of repair costs, which will depend on the nature of the damage (see above article 12a) § 2), the costs of immobilizing the vehicle and administrative costs for the management of the damage process.

You can argue the identified damages and their billing within 14 (fourteen) consecutive days after sending the documents, by email to, or by letter to the address João Bosco Mota Amaral- S/N Quioque in front of the Hotel Marina.

If Azores Holidays does not contest within said 14-day period, we reserve the right to charge you the said costs.


  1. c) Common rules

Please note that depending on the damage suffered by the vehicle and the type of protection you have subscribed with Azores Holidays you may or may not be charged for the full amount of the repair cost.

In any case, you can contest the damages and, the respective faturation, in terms referred in line b, without prejudice to being able to always claim from the competent court (clause 23 “What happens in case of litigation related to my rental”).


What I should do about the vehicle maintenance?

During your Rental you must take all necessary protective measures to keep the vehicle in the same condition as it was delivered to you.

You should be aware of any warning signs of the vehicle dashboard lights and take the necessary protective measures.

The vehicle is provided with the tires, in number and in the conditions that meet the requirements of the traffic laws. In case that any of them suffer damage, in addition to normal wear and tear, latent defect or force majeure, you are obliged to immediately replace, at Your own expense, a tire of the same size, type and brand.

Any modification or mechanical intervention to the vehicle is prohibited without the prior written authorization of Azores Holidays. If you violate this policy, you will have to bear the costs of resetting the Vehicle under the same conditions as you were given and you will be liable to Azores Holidays for any damages arising from breach of any of the above-mentioned maintenance obligations.


What I should do in case of accident, mechanical damage or theft of the vehicle?

In case of a mechanical breakdown, which prevents you from continuing to drive and/or requiring you to stop to avoid further damage, you have a support service available, which is included in the price of your rental. The terms of this assistance are described in Annex I of these T&Cs.

In case of an accident, you must, within 5 (five) business days or as reasonably possible under the circumstances, (i) notify Azores Holidays and call the local law enforcement authorities and (ii) complete the Friendly Car Accident Statement.

In these cases, you should contact the service that is included in the price of your rental, to the number that is indicated inside the windscreen.

In case of theft of the vehicle, you must send a copy of your participation to Azores Holidays to the police authorities within 2 (two) business days, together with the vehicle keys and documents, in case they have not been stolen.


When should I receive my invoice and pay for rent?

You will receive your invoice once all the elements of your Rental are defined.

The total amount will be paid or you will be charged in one go or in different stages, depending on the situation.

General rule, the confirmation of the rental passes through the pre-payment of Your rental (in your reservation made online, via a call center or at an Azores Holidays station), which will include the daily value of the rental of the vehicle and accessories for the rental period, as well as any services mobility. The agreed amount will be charged to your payment method and you will receive an invoice or receipt for this prepayment. Lastly, the prepaid amount will be mentioned in the final invoice and deducted from the total amount that may still be paid.

If, for any reason, you can´t confirm your rental by pre-payment at the time of booking, the amount of the deposit, the rental costs of the vehicle and the accessories, any additional services or drivers or any coverages you decide to subscribe to, will be broken down in the rental agreement and accepted by you before signing the contract and lifting the vehicle. The final and overall costs of your rental will be charged and billed at the time of delivery of the vehicle at the beginning of the rental period.

Any additional fees or costs will be charged when returning the vehicle (if they can be calculated at the time).

If you have incurred extra costs as find or caused vehicle damage identified without your presence, Azores Holidays will collect them, together with their administrative costs (for the management of the fines and fines process and for the damage management process) later, when knowledge of them.

In this case, you will have 14 (fourteen) days from the date of sending the notification of the collection, to contest and, or justify not be responsible for the costs of management, you can do so by email to With or by letter to the address Rua Praia dos Santos nº 30 9500-706 Ponta Delgada. If you do not contest within the mentioned period, you will be charged the amount of said administrative costs.

The invoice will be sent electronically to the email address you have provided us for this purpose. If you do not want to receive the invoice electronically, you can choose to receive it on paper.

In case that payment date indicated on the invoice expires, you expressly agree that:

  • This implies the immediate and integral expiration of all invoices to be paid and the termination of the Rental Agreement;

– Azores Holidays have the right to demand the return of the vehicle immediately.

– You will have to pay default interest at the legal rate;

In the event that the rental agreement is signed under a commercial agreement, the respective company shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of the invoice.


And if I want to cancel or change my rental?

  1. a) Changes

You can change your rent, without any cost, since you acknowledge Azores Holidays about the changes at least 48 hours before the rent being foreseen to start, the same does not apply to promotional rates for more information, contact our services.

Please pay attention, in case that you change your reserve, the rental prices may apply and you should always use the same communication channel that you used when you first made a reservation for the vehicle. Alternatively, you can call our Call Center at (+351) 296 247 171/967 309 909.


  1. b) Cancellation
  • If you prepaid your booking online: 

o If the cancellation is made before the vehicle pick-up date, the prepaid amount will be converted into credit that can be used in all ANC Group Tourism services. For more information please contact our services 

o If you do not proceed with the cancellation and do not pick up the Vehicle, the amount of the prepayment will not be refunded nor will it be converted into credit to be used by the ANC Group, unless it can demonstrate the verification of a case of “Force Majeure”( as defined below). 

For the purposes of this section, the cancellation of the reservation or the non-collection of the Vehicle due to Force Majeure means that the Customer is unable or prevented by virtue of acts of war and other hostilities and civil commotions, accidents, strikes, lock-outs , or other labor disputes, embargoes or government decisions restricting imports or exports or any other cause or circumstance beyond its control (direct or indirect). 

o Lack of prior notice for change request or no-show will result in the cancellation of the reservation within 24 hours, without the right to refund.


What I should if I want to extend my rental agreement?

In case that you wish to extend the rental period provided in your Rental Agreement, you must perform the following steps:

  • Contact the Azores Holidays station for the return of the vehicle;
  • Go to the Azores Holidays station as indicated;
  • Make an inspection of the vehicle together with the Azores Holidays representative;
  • Sign additament to the contract or a new rental contract, whichever applies to it;
  • In case that you don’t want to change the rent conditions, for beyond sign a new rent rental agreement, you should pay the previous rental associated costs.

If you do not follow the above steps and stay with the vehicle, its applied a device in clause.

11 d): “Delay in returning the vehicle”.


 What about the fuel policy?

Every vehicle has to be returned with the same fuel level has it was delivered. At the moment of return the following situations can occur:

  • Return of the cehicle with the same fuel level, there is no additional cost whatsoever.
  • In the eventuality of returning the vehicle with less fuel, you should go back to the gas station and rectify the situation or pay the fuel tax aplied.


 Should I pay a deposit before pick up the vehicle?

When you pick up the vehicle, you grant a credit card authorization for a deposit (VISA, Mastercard, AMEX).

The deposit is intended to cover additional rental costs.

In any case, the amount is specified in the confirmation email that was sent to you at the time of your reservation and in the rental agreement.

If wasn’t identified for you or for optional driver properly identified on the rental agreement and you must present, the same debit car that you show in the moment of the reserve.


Can I pay for my rental with a foreign credit card?

If you are a lend, holder of a Visa Credit Card or MasterCard (in a currency other than the Euro) you can take advantage of the currency exchange rate for your card when you pay for your rental.

If for any technical reason Azores Holidays can´t provide this service or if you, a VISA or MasterCard holder choose to pay in Euros, the conversion to the currency of the card will be made according to the conditions of your bank.


What is the politics of Azores Holidays about the protection of my personal information?

Azores Holidays may use any personal information you have provided to Azores Holidays, including the data of any authorized driver, for the purpose of providing rental services, namely to verify identity, to collect values, to monitor fraud and to manage any situations before, during and after the rental period.

Azores Holidays may provide your personal data contained in the rental agreement, and details of the performance of the obligations covered by this rental agreement, to third parties, such as law enforcement agencies, credit recovery entities (including lawyers) and any Other relevant organization.

In the event of non-payment, Azores Holidays may also, and if it specifically consents to it at the end of these T&C’s, communicate your personal information to the ARAC -Association of Rental Car without drivers (“ARAC”) for the purpose of insertion into its non-compliant customer file and which in turn may be accessible to any of its members to assist them in deciding whether to accept it from You or any driver identified with a customer. Please note that the conclusion of the rental agreement is not dependent on your consent to use, in any way, in non-complying customer databases and your communication to ARAC, of the personal data provided under this contract. Our privacy policy is available in Azores Holidays.PT.

Azores Holidays collects and processes data for the purpose of providing you with vehicle rental services and for marketing purposes such as promotions and for the purposes of the customer loyalty program. You will be informed of any personal information of yours that’s must be collected by Azores Holidays at the station or online, by indicating a franchised. The recipients of such data will be solely the companies that integrate the Azores Holidays Group as well as its franchisees. Some of the recipients of collected data may be located in countries where personal data legislation does not provide a level of protection equivalent to the standards of Portuguese laws and the National Data Protection Commission (PNDC). Nevertheless, the transfer of personal data to a country with an insufficient level of protection will only be done in the case of renting a vehicle on Azores Holidays located in a country outside the European Union, as required to execute its rental contract, pursuant to of article 19 of Law no. 67/98, of October 26.

In these terms you will have the right to access, rectify and delete any data that concerns you. You can read this right by accessing or sending to João Bosco Mota Amaral Avenue, a kiosk in front of the Marina hotel.

We inform that in order to prevent associated risks, Azores Holidays may decline the rental of vehicles to persons who do not offer guarantees of compliance with the contract. We also inform you that your personal data may be notified to the police authorities regarding your request in case of violation of the highway code and/or the practice of any crime committed during your rental.

By accepting the present T&Cs, you expressly acknowledge that you have given your consent specified to the above mentions private policy.


Are the vehicles equipped with electronic devices?

To keep, protect the vehicle, to prevent and to detect criminal practices, the Azores Holidays can use electronics devices (GPS) to monitor the state, functionality and operability of the vehicle and/or to detect the movements of the vehicle.  This information can be used during and after the rental period.

Under the terms of the Portuguese Data Protection Law, you have the right to access, rectify and delete any information that concerns you. You can exercise this right by accessing, or by sending to João Bosco Mota Amaral Avenue, a kiosk in front of the Hotel Marina.


What happens in case of a liability related to my rental? 

Applicable law

In case of a dispute between you and Azores Holidays relating to your rental, the applicable law shall be that of the country of removal of the vehicle. For example, if you are a Portuguese citizen and have raised the vehicle in Portugal, the applicable law will be Portuguese. However, if you rent a vehicle while you are in Germany, your rental will be governed by German law.

Customer services

Regardless where you do the rental agreement, you may choose to contact Customer Service in your country of residence. Your Customer Support team will contact the country of the lease on your behalf and will attempt to resolve your issue. You can contact the Customer Service for or to João Bosco Mota Amaral Avenue, a kiosk in front of the Hotel Marina.

Out-of-court settlement of disputes

Cross-border dispute: If the country in which you entered into the Rental Agreement is different from your country, you may choose to lodge your complaint with European Car Rental Conciliation Services (ECRCS). ( Http://

Azores Holidays has joined the ERCRS in order to enable its customers to resolve their complaints regarding cross-border dispute within Europe. Please note that this Conciliation Service can only intervene in disputes relating to cross-border within the European Union. You must be a US resident and the rental must have taken place in another EU country.

National Disputes: in case you are resident in Portugal and the rental has also occurred in Portugal, it is hereby advised that you have at your disposal any of the following alternative dispute resolution entities:

Center of Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts of Lisbon

Center for Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts of Vale do Ave / Arbitral Tribunal

CIMAC – Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center (Consumer Arbitration Court)

NCCCIA – National Center for Consumer Conflict Information and Arbitration

Center of Arbitration of Conflicts of Consumption of the District of Coimbra

Information Center, Mediation and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts of the Algarve

Porto Consumption and Arbitration Information Center

More information on the Consumer Portal at

Jurisdiction and Forum

Alternatively, you or Azores Holidays may submit the resolution of the dispute to the competent courts, which may be the courts of your residence or those of the country of rental.


All notifications to be made under the Rental Agreement must be sent to the addresses included therein, which You and we acknowledge to be the agreed place of residence for all legal purposes, obliging to notify any change.

Contractual documents

The required documents and binding between you and Azores Holidays are, in order of priority, the following:

The rental agreement and its specific clauses;

The present T&Cs and respective annexes;

The confirmation email you received when you booked the vehicle.


Is there any code of conduct applicable to the automobile rental industry? 

The Leaseurope published a code of conduct for the car rental industry. You can consult a copy at the following electronic address:




During the rental period, you benefit, without extra costs, from a 24-hour assistance service associated with the use of the vehicle.

Please note that in case of damage caused by you and/or any driver or due to the use of wrong fuel or the loss/damage caused to the keys of the Vehicle, as well as in case of bore or tire damage, you have to pay the following costs:

  • Lost keys or broke: from EUR 350;
  • Wrong fuel, although without causing damage to the engine or the engine: EUR 500 to 1500, including towing (plus missing fuel);
  • Hole and/or damage that destroys only the tire: from EUR 90 + administrative fee of EUR 30 per claim.
  • The costs of towing and / or assistance, inside or outside the Country, due to misuse of the vehicle, will be the responsibility of the LESSEE.

This service includes:

  • Vehicle Breakdown;
  • Sending and payment of towing costs of a vehicle that has not been involved in an accident or has broken down and can´t be repaired on the spot;
  • Finding a replacement vehicle within a 50 km radius, in case the Vehicle can´t be repaired on site (NB: The Rental Agreement remains in force until the last day of the originally agreed rental);
  • Transportation of beneficiaries to the rental station where replacement can be made;

In case no substitute vehicle is identified:

  • Hotel room with breakfast for one night or, taxi or train transfer to the place of residence or destination or departure in Portugal in the case of non-residents. This benefit is provided up to EUR 60 per beneficiary;

This service for the vehicle excludes:

  • Any incidents or damages caused by taking part in sports events, rallies or any other type of competition;